Christmas dinner takes work - before, during and after the day's festivities. Preparing a full meal while on vacation can be challenging. Turkey dinners take lots of ingredients and time. Big meals are messy, difficult to prep and clean up after. It can be a daunting task, especially when you’re not in your own kitchen.
If you want to spend more time relaxing and less time cooking we’ve got the perfect solution, we will deliver a complete, delicious holiday menu right to your door that is ready to reheat and serve to your family and friends. Recyclable pans make clean-up simple and make storing those coveted leftovers in the fridge easy too!
Check out the full menu and order your meal here.
Want to go out for Christmas Dinner instead? Relax, have someone else take care of the meal for you and enjoy Christmas Dinner with a Twist at our new restaurant Hunter Gather
With 3 seating times available, we have the perfect alternative for you. Enjoy a casual, fun and interactive group setting - there's no fine china or plated service here folks. Choose between a 3pm, 5:30pm or 8pm seating for your traditional family style meal - Check out the menu and reserve your spot now.
10 Fun Christmas Facts:
1. The average Christmas dinner takes 295 days to make from the beginning seed until it reaches your plate, and then it’s gone in less than 1 hour.
2. Why red, gold and green? Green has long been a symbol of life and rebirth; red symbolizes the blood of Christ, and gold represents light as well as wealth and royalty.
3. Candy Canes were invented to keep kids quiet
4. The Germans made the first artificial Christmas trees out of dyed goose feathers.
5. All the gifts in the Twelve Days of Christmas would equal 364 gifts
6. Around 22 million Turkey’s are consumed at Christmas time
7. The largest turkey consumed on record weighed in at 86 pounds!
8. During the Christmas season, nearly 28 sets of LEGO are sold every second.
9. Tiny Tim in Charles Dickens' classic novella A Christmas Carol was almost named "Little Fred.
10. 6.8 million – The number of iOS and Android devices that will be activated on Christmas day.